Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Walmart Stores (WMT)

Walmart Stores

Walmart Stores


Yüksek: 127.75

Düşük: 0

Piyasa durumu

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Seller Buyer

Walmart — an American company ruling the largest chain of retail and wholesale chain in which both small shops and big stores are included presented in the USA and other countries. It was established in 1962 as a shop chain with the maximum of goods offered at lower prices. In 1970 it became public, in 1972 it was listed in NYSE. By 1979 the company had more than 270 shopping malls and its revenue exceeded 1 billion USD. Throughout decades, Walmart buys other companies thus broadening the number of goods offered. In 1994 Walmart opens its first stores away from the US. In 1997 the holding is considered by the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Since 2003 it has become the number one in Fortune 500.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

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