Bugünkü hisse fiyatı The Travelers Companies Inc (TRV)

The Travelers Companies Inc

The Travelers Companies Inc


Yüksek: 95.3

Düşük: 0

Piyasa durumu

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The Travelers Companies, Inc — one of the biggest insurance companies in the USA also considered in calculation of Dow Jones Industrial Average. Originally the insurance company was founded under the name “St. Paul Mutual Insurance Company” but it changed its name several time, since it shifted its direction and fields of activity. Due to some big payouts in 1992, the company was restructured which led to many people being fired. In 1998 the company bought another insurance company The USF&G Corporation, the price was 3.9 billion USD. In 2004 it is united with the biggest financial service holding Citigroup, in 2007 the newly formed company finally takes the name “The Travelers Companies, Inc”. Today the holding consists of several dozens of insurance companies; its target region is the USA.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

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