Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Procter & Gamble Company (PG)

Procter & Gamble Company

Procter & Gamble Company


Yüksek: 116.21

Düşük: 116.21

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The Procter & Gamble Company — American international holding, one of the world’s leaders in consumer goods manufacture. The company’s securities are taken into Dow Jones Industrial Average. It is the world’s biggest advertiser. The company was founded in 1837 as a soup and candle manufacturer. In 20 years The Procter & Gamble Company revenue reached 1 million USD. In 1931 the company first introduced brand management system. In 1941 P&G introduces Tide washing powder, tooth powder Ariel and toothpaste Dash, in 1961 — Pampers diapers, then it started producing Head & Shoulders shampoo. The company had been growing extremely rapidly opening new offices all over the world and steadily entering the food market. In 2005 the holding absorbs Gillette and becomes the first FMCG giant. Also, P&G is an active sponsor of TV series, thanks to them the term “Soap opera” appeared. The company’s globalization has led to creation of 17 international industrial research institutions located in the USA, Europe, Japan and Latin America.

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