Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Maxim Integrated Products (MXIM)

Maxim Integrated Products

Maxim Integrated Products


Yüksek: 55.14

Düşük: 0

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Seller Buyer

Maxim Integrated Products Inc. - An American developer, manufacturer and supplier of analog and mixed integrated circuits. The company also provides a number of high-frequency technologies and capabilities for use in custom designs. Maxim Integrated was founded in 1983 and in the first year developed 24 products from second sources. In 1985, the MAX600 was launched, which became the company's first patented product to receive an industry award, after which the company's profit increased every year. Already in 1998, Maxim Integrated's annual revenue reached $ 500 million, and by 2011 it had grown to $ 2.47 billion. In 2005, the company became part of the Fortune 500. Among the most notable acquisitions of Maxim Integrated, companies like Mobilygen, Innova Card, Trinity Convergence Limited, SensorDynamics, and Icron Technologies. Maxim Integrated is part of the Fortune 1000 and S & P 500, the company's shares are traded on the NASDAQ-100 under the ticker MXIM.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

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