Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Marsh & Mclennan Companies (MMC)

Marsh & Mclennan Companies

Marsh & Mclennan Companies


Yüksek: 94.62

Düşük: 0

Piyasa durumu

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Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. – A professional insurance broker that provides advice and solutions to clients in the areas of risk management. All corporation work is divided between the main operating companies: Marsh, Mercer, Oliver Wyman Group and Guy Carpenter. It was founded in 1905 as Burroughs, Marsh & McLennan and in 1906 it was renamed Marsh & McLennan. In 1962, the company conducted an IPO and in 1969 it was reorganized into a holding company, offering its services through acquired companies. In 1970, Putnam Investments was acquired and in 1997 they acquired by Johnson & Higgins for $ 1.8 billion. Over the next 10 years, Marsh & McLennan has been actively buying and selling subsidiaries. In 2017, the company occupied first place in the list of the largest brokers for Business Insurance. The total capitalization of Marsh & McLennan exceeds $ 7.44 billion.

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Mainstay Defined Muni Opp Fund 19.83750000
Marcus & Millichap 27.27000000
Martin Midstream Partners L.P. 2.32000000
Magellan Midstream Partners L.P. 43.10000000

