Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Mccormick & Company Inc (MKC)

Mccormick & Company Inc

Mccormick & Company Inc


Yüksek: 176.33

Düşük: 0

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McCormick & Co. – An American food company, manufacturer and supplier of spices, seasonings and flavors for the industrial, restaurant, institutional and home markets in 150 countries and is included in the S & P 500 and Fortune 1000. Founded in 1889, in the early years, it was only a small grocery store, but after the purchase of FG Emmett Spice Company in 1906, the company entered the spice market. Spice producer A. Schilling & Company was purchased in 1947, and Ben-Hur Products was purchased in 1953. Canadian company Gorman Eckert & Co. Ltd was acquired in 1959. Other acquisitions: Baker Extract Co. in 1962, Cake Mate in 1967, Childers Foods and Tubed Products in 1968, Golden West Foods in 1973, Astro Foods in 1977. Over the next decades, McCormick & Co. continued to acquire companies related to the food industry and the spice market. In 2017, McCormick acquired Reckitt Benckiser’s food business, RB Foods, for $ 4.2 billion, the company's largest acquisition in its history.

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