Bugünkü hisse fiyatı MGM Resorts International (MGM)

MGM Resorts International

MGM Resorts International


Yüksek: 15.31

Düşük: 0

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MGM Resorts International is an international global corporation, one of the three world leaders in the field of gambling, managing many resorts in the USA and entertainment facilities Aria Resort and Casino Hotel, Luxor Casino, The Mirage Hotel & Casino, New York Hotel and Casino, and the owner of the Metro Goldwyn Mayer film studio. The company was founded in 1986, under the name Grand Name Co., in 1987 it was renamed MGM Grand, Inc. In 1988, the first casinos of the company were bought: Desert Inn and Sands. In 1991, the MGM Grand Adventures theme park was opened. Since 1994, MGM began to build casinos in Europe and Asia. In 2000, MGM Grand merged with Mirage Resorts for $ 4.4 billion. The new company was called MGM Mirage. In 2005, MGM Mirage acquired the Mandalay Resort Group for $ 7.9 billion, becoming the largest gaming company in the world. In 2009, MGM was opened by CityCenter - the largest construction project in the world and one of the most expensive real estate properties in history. In 2010, the company name was changed to MGM Resorts International.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

Saat Ülke Dönem Etkinlik Algı Tahmin Önceki
3 Mart 2025
Gün USD calender forex Wards Total Vehicle Sales 16.0M 16.1M 15.6M

Connected Tools

Adı Current price Son Değişiklik
Macrogenics Inc 26.10000000
MGM Growth Properties Llc 24.19000000
MGP Ingredients 36.00000000
Mcgrath Rentcorp 60.28000000
Macquarie Global Infrastructure Total Return Fun 16.81000000

