Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Mastercard Inc (MA)

Mastercard Inc

Mastercard Inc


Yüksek: 289.9

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Mastercard Inc. – the largest payment system in the world, providing its customers with world wide support in the implementation of credit, electronic, deposit and other programs in more than 22 thousand financial institutions in 210 countries of the world. In 1966, United California Bank, Wells Fargo, Crocker National Bank and Bank of California merged into The Interbank Card (ICA), as a counterweight to Bank of America cards. The new card product was named Master Charge. In 1968, an alliance was created with the Mexican bank Banko Nacional and the European Eurocard system. In 1972, the British Access card system joined the alliance then the banks of Japan, Australia and Africa joined the ICA. In 1979, the ICA was renamed MasterCard International and in 1987, banks from China joined the alliance followed by in 1988, the first banks from the Soviet Union. In 1997, the company acquired a 51% stake in Mondex International. In 2002, MasterCard International merged with Europay International and in 2006 it was renamed MasterCard Worldwide and conducted an IPO, becoming a public company. The company's shares are traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol MA. In 2019, DataCash was acquired and in 2014 – Pinpoint.

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