Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Harley-Davidson Inc (HOG)

Harley-Davidson Inc

Harley-Davidson Inc


Yüksek: 22.52

Düşük: 0

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Harley-Davidson is the world's most famous motorcycle manufacturer, as well as a supplier of military products for the US Armed Forces and a manufacturer of many products under the Harley-Davidson brand. It was founded in 1903, and in 1905 Harley-Davidson motorcycles appeared in free The first Harley-Davidson motorcycle assembly factory opened a year later, after the outbreak of World War I, the company received first orders from the British and US Army, and collaboration continued during World War II. In 1920, Harley-Davidson became the largest manufacturer the world's most widely used motorcycles, with motorcycles sold in 67 countries. Harley-Davidson launched the WR, a very popular sports bike in 1946. Another legendary motorcycle, the Electra Glide, was launched in 1965. Significant models like the FXS Low Rider were launched in 1977 and 1979. , Sportster and Fat Bob, whose popularity contributed to the emergence of the largest motorcycle owners club in the world - HOG. In 1986, the company went public and entered the American Stock Exchange, and in 1987 issued shares on the NYSE.

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