Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII)

Huntington Ingalls Industries

Huntington Ingalls Industries


Yüksek: 172.22

Düşük: 0

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Huntington Ingalls Industries - the world's largest military shipbuilding corporation, the only manufacturer of US nuclear aircraft carriers, one of two US manufacturers of nuclear submarines. Founded March 31, 2011, after the separation of Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding from the parent company Northrop Grumman. The corporation employs about 37 thousand Huntington Ingalls Industries has three business divisions: Newport-News Shipbuilding, Ingalls Shipbuilding - owners of large shipyards, and Technical Solution, combining The corporation’s subsidiaries.The infrastructure, production base and technological equipment of the corporation’s enterprises allow the construction of ships and vessels for various purposes, the full range of basic work to create them.The company participates in the design and construction of non-nuclear ships consisting of amphibious landing ships, which include deck amphibians and shipping docks, surface warships, and national security boats for the US Navy and US Coast Guard. The company's main shipyard is located in Newport News, Virginia.

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