Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Hasbro Inc (HAS)

Hasbro Inc

Hasbro Inc


Yüksek: 68.26

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Hasbro Inc. is an American multinational company producing toys and board games. It is the largest toy manufacturer in the world in terms of revenue and market. It was founded in 1923 as the Hassenfeld Brothers textile factory. In 1940, Hassenfeld Brothers released its first set of toys. And In 1952, the company introduced the toy Mr. Potato Head, which immediately gained immense popularity. By 1960, revenues reached $ 12 million, and Hassenfeld Brothers became one of the largest private toy companies in the world. In 1964, another popular game came out the cabinet is GI Joe, and the Hassenfeld Brothers company reduced its name to Hasbro and became public in 1968. In 1984, Hasbro acquired the company of one of the oldest manufacturers of board games - Milton Bradley Company, the Transformers toy line was released in the same year. Hasbro acquired GLENCO, the manufacturer of baby products and the largest manufacturer of bibs in the world, and the next year, one of the oldest manufacturers of board games, the Milton Bradley Company, was purchased, and the Transformers toy line was released the same year. In July 1989, Hasbro acquired Coleco for $ 85 million. In 1994, Hasbro merged Hasbro Toy, Playskool, Playskool Baby, Kenner, and Kid Dimension into the Hasbro Toy Group. In 1999, Wizards of the Coast was acquired for $ 325 million. Since 2010, the company has been collaborating with the Hub Network cable network (currently the Discovery Family).

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