Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Gap Inc (GPS)

Gap Inc

Gap Inc


Yüksek: 7.82

Düşük: 0

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Gap Inc. is an American company, the largest clothing retailer in the United States and the owner of the world's second largest clothing store chain. The first Gap store was opened on August 21, 1969. The range was designed to attract youth, only Levi's jeans and Gap established its headquarters in Burlingham, California, with four employees in 1971. By 1973 the company had more than 25 branches in several states of America and the next year began selling other brands of goods. In 1983, Gap acquired a retail the Banana Republic brand. Gap opens its first store in London in 1987. It opens stores in Canada in 1989. Gap opens its own online store in 1997. In 2006, stores open in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, in 2007 this year, stores are added to them in the United Arab Emirates, in Bahrain, Indonesia, Kuwait, Qatar, Korea, Oman, Turkey, the Philippines, Riyadh and Saudi Arabia.

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