Bugünkü hisse fiyatı General Motors Company (GM)

General Motors Company

General Motors Company


Yüksek: 24.81

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General Motors is an American corporation, the largest automobile manufacturer in the USA, and the largest in the world until 2008. Owner of many well-known automobile brands, including Cadillac, Alpheon, Opel, Buick, Chevrolet, GMC, Vauxhall, and Holden. It was founded in 1908 in the year and immediately launched into production several car brands: Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac and Pontiac. Very quickly General Motors joined over 20 small car companies, further, the practice of buying car companies continued. In the 1950s, the company was the first to produce cars with automatic gearbox transmissions, General Motors began to engage in household appliances, insurance, locomotives, electronics, bearings, banking and financial services in the 1960s, bought Electronic Data Systems in 1984 and Hughes Aircraft in 1986. In 2009, the company started to bankruptcy proceedings, which led to the restructuring of General Motors, which resulted in a decision to abandon the production of cars with high fuel consumption in favor of fuel-efficient cars. Part of the production was closed, some of the companies were sold. In late 2010, GM held an IPO, which became one of the largest in history, the company's shares are traded on the NYSE under the ticker GM. The total capitalization of the company, at the moment, is 55 billion dollars.

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