Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Corning Inc (GLW)

Corning Inc

Corning Inc


Yüksek: 20.97

Düşük: 0

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Corning Inc. is an American multinational technology company specializing in the manufacture of glass, ceramics and related materials, including for the creation of advanced optics for industrial and scientific applications. The company’s assets are worth about $ 30 billion and net annual income of about 2.5 billion dollars. The company was created in 1851 under the name Corning Glass Works, the main activity was working with glass and ceramics. In 1905, the company was noted for the creation of glass for the To lamp Asa Edison quickly became famous, Corning began experimenting with heat-resistant glass and telescope optics. After World War II, the company began large-scale production of glass and glass ceramics for general consumer use. In 1989, the company name was changed to Corning Incorporated. In 1998 Corning sold its consumer goods subsidiary Corning Consumer Products Company.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

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