Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Gilead Sciences (GILD)

Gilead Sciences

Gilead Sciences


Yüksek: 74.76

Düşük: 0

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Gilead Sciences is an American biopharmaceutical company, a well-known drug developer and researcher. It was founded in 1987 and has specialized mainly in antiviral drugs for treating patients with HIV, hepatitis B and similar diseases. Since 1999, Gilead Sciences has expanded its field of activity. and acquires pulmonary drug companies. From 1990 to 1998, Gilead conducted a joint study with Glaxo to develop genetic code blockers. Gilead put shares on the NASDAQ through an IPO in 1992. NeXstar Pharmaceuticals was bought in 1999. In 2006, the company acquired Corus Pharma, Inc. for $ 365 million, entering the respiratory therapy market, and Raylo Chemicals was bought the same year. Inc. for $ 133 million, strengthening Gilead's position in the therapeutic arena, in 2009 the company acquired CV Therapeutics, Inc. for $ 1.4 billion, and in 2011, the company acquired Calistoga Pharmaceuticals for $ 375 million and Pharmasset, Inc. for $ 10.4 billion, making Gilead a leader in the treatment of hepatitis C virus. In 2017, the company acquired Cell Design Labs for $ 567 million. By next year, the capitalization of Gilead Sciences exceeded $ 93.4 billion.

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