Bugünkü hisse fiyatı FMC Corp (FMC)

FMC Corp

FMC Corp


Yüksek: 90.83

Düşük: 0

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FMC Corporation is an American diversified engineering holding. In the past, it was one of the leading contractors in the US military-industrial complex for the development and serial production of light tracked armored vehicles for various purposes. FMC was founded in 1883 under the name Bean Spray Pump Company, as a manufacturer of spray guns. Further, the product line expanded towards agricultural machinery production, the company was renamed the John Bean Manufacturing Company and became public in 1928. The name changed again the following year. Referring to Food Machinery Corporation (FMC).                                                                                                                                                                                                            During the Second World War, the company was re-qualified as a manufacturer of military equipment. In 1943, Niagara Sprayer & Chemical Company was bought and FMC entered the chemical manufacturing market. Following the acquisition of Westvaco Chemical Corporation in 1948, the company changed its name to Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation, which was transformed into FMC Corporation in 1961. In 1967, FMC Corporation merged with the Link-Belt Company with the same name. In 1997, the holding went out of the military-industrial business; in 2001, machine-building production was transferred to a separate public company called FMC Technologies.

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