Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Flir Systems (FLIR)

Flir Systems

Flir Systems


Yüksek: 46.03

Düşük: 0

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FLIR Systems is the world's largest commercial company engaged in the development and production of thermal imagers, infrared cameras and other thermal imaging equipment. Today, FLIR occupies a leading position in the global market among manufacturers of thermal imagers. It works in three main areas: for state-owned enterprises, for commerce and for thermography. The main plants of the company are located in Sweden and in the USA, where the entire line of FLIR thermal imagers is produced. However, the company attaches great importance to further scientific developments, specifically for these purposes, the FLIR subsidiary, Advanced Thermal Solutions, was opened in France, founded in 1978 as a manufacturer of infrared systems and developed from 1978 to 2004 through the development of new products and the acquisition of competing companies.In 1993, the company became public. The company’s sales grew to $ 47 million a year in 1994. In 2008, the company’s sales amounted to $ 1.1 billion.

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