Bugünkü hisse fiyatı F5 Networks (FFIV)

F5 Networks

F5 Networks


Yüksek: 141.17

Düşük: 0

Piyasa durumu

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Seller Buyer

F5 Networks is a global company, a world leader in the development of software and hardware for optimizing the operation of network infrastructure, ensuring cyber security and the distribution of information flows in physical and virtual environments.

It was founded in 1996 as F5 Labs. In 1999, the company became public and began trading stocks on the NASDAQ with the ticker FFIV. In 2010, F5 entered the Fortune 100 and Fortune 500. The annual net profit of F5 Networks reached $ 453.79 million, the total capitalization exceeds $ 1.2 billion, and the net annual revenue is $ 2.2 billion. F5 Networks' clients include the world's largest companies, government services, service providers and popular brands. 49 Fortune 50 companies have chosen F5 Networks as their partner.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

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