Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Fedex Corp (FDX)

Fedex Corp

Fedex Corp


Yüksek: 119.19

Düşük: 0

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FedEx Corporation is an American cargo airline, the first airline in the world in terms of cargo volume and the second in fleet size. Founded in 1971 under the name Federal Express. The company was the first to launch an overnight cargo delivery service and developed a system that could track packages, and provide updated information about their whereabouts in real time.In 1978, the company made an IPO and was registered on the NYSE.In 1981, the company began international operations in Canada, in 1983 the company’s first income exceeded $ 1 billion. FedEx was renamed FedEx in 1994. FedEx rebranded all its subsidiaries in 2000. It was acquired by Kinko. In December 2006, FedEx Express acquired the British courier company ANC Holdings Limited for 120 million pounds sterling: FedEx bought Dutch rival TNT Express for $ 4.8 billion in 2015. The total revenue managed by the company exceeds $ 52 billion, FedEx is part of the DJTA, S & P 500 and S & P 100.

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