Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Diamondback Energy Inc (FANG)

Diamondback Energy Inc

Diamondback Energy Inc


Yüksek: 43.44

Düşük: 0

Piyasa durumu

İşlem hacmine göre alınan ve satılan lot sayısının oranı

Veriler her 10 dakikada bir güncellenir

Seller Buyer

Diamondback Energy Inc. is an independent oil and gas company engaged in the acquisition, development, exploration and exploitation of unconventional oil and natural gas reserves. It was founded in 2007. Diamondback Energy reserves are mainly located in the Perm basin of West Texas, in particular in the Clearfork, Spraberry formations, Wolfcamp, Cline, Strawn, and Atoka have a total of about 102 oil wells and natural gas development sites, and Diamondback Energy, through its subsidiary Viper Energy Partners LP, owns mineral resources in approximately 247 602 acres of land, mainly in Middle County end, texas.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

Saat Ülke Dönem Etkinlik Algı Tahmin Önceki
25 Aralık 2024
Gün USD calender forex Banka Tatili

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