Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Expedia Inc (EXPE)

Expedia Inc

Expedia Inc


Yüksek: 79.19

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Seller Buyer

Expedia Group is the world's largest online travel agency. Includes many travel sites such as: CarRentals.com, CheapTickets, Expedia.com, HomeAway, Hotels.com, Hotwire.com, Orbitz, Travelocity, Trivago and Venere.com Founded in 1996 as a subsidiary of Microsoft, it became a public company in 1999. IAC / InterActiveCorp was acquired in 2003. Two years later, Expedia Inc., which owned a group of tourism companies, was spun off. acquire major travel sites around the world, for example, in 2015 Orbitz was bought for $ 1.2 billion and HomeAway for 3, 9 m billion dollars. In March 2018, Expedia, Inc. changed its name to Expedia Group, Inc.

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