Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Edwards Lifesciences Corp (EW)

Edwards Lifesciences Corp

Edwards Lifesciences Corp


Yüksek: 216.43

Düşük: 0

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Edwards Lifesciences is an American company manufacturing medical equipment, a manufacturer of artificial heart valves specializing in hemodynamic monitoring. It was founded in 1958 under the name Edwards Laboratories, one of the creators of the artificial heart is Miles Edwards. In 1966 it was bought by American Hospital Supply Corporation and renamed at American Edwards Laboratories, which was acquired by Baxter International Inc. in 1985 and became an independent public company, Edwards Lifesciences, in 2000. Its shares are traded on the NYSE under the ticker EIX. STI replacement heart valves, and for tissue repair products as well as advanced hemodynamic monitoring.

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Connected Tools

Adı Current price Son Değişiklik
Australia Index MSCI Ishares 17.40000000
East West Bancorp 34.90000000
Canada Index MSCI Ishares 24.61000000
Sweden Index MSCI Ishares 26.21999900
Emrg Mkts Eq Wt MSCI Guggenheim 31.28500000

