Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Entergy Corp (ETR)

Entergy Corp

Entergy Corp


Yüksek: 99.42

Düşük: 0

Piyasa durumu

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Entergy Corporation is an American energy company that produces electricity in the southern states of the United States. It was founded in 1913 under the name Arkansas Power Company. In 1923, together with three other energy companies it was merged into Mississippi Power and Light. In 1925, Mississippi Power and Light , Louisiana Power and Light, New Orleans Public Service, and Arkansas Power and Light were merged under the control of Electric Power and Light Corporation, which later came under the control of Middle South Utilities, and in 1989 was renamed Entergy.

The holding has seven subsidiary energy companies, the volume of working assets exceeds $ 40 billion. The company controls 9 nuclear power plants, more than 40 plants using natural gas, nuclear, coal, oil and hydropower. Entergy Corporation is part of the S & P 500.

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