Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Essex Property Trust (ESS)

Essex Property Trust

Essex Property Trust


Yüksek: 240.6

Düşük: 0

Piyasa durumu

İşlem hacmine göre alınan ve satılan lot sayısının oranı

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Seller Buyer

Essex Property Trust, Inc. is a large real estate investment trust that acquires, develops, remodels and manages multi-unit residential properties in selected markets on the West Coast of the United States. Essex currently owns holdings in 245 apartment buildings with an additional 6 properties in various stages of active development Essex investment strategy consists of two components: constant monitoring of existing markets and evaluation of new markets to identify areas with characteristics that underpin growth but rent.                                           It was founded in 1971 by the creator of Marcus & Millichap, George Marcus. In 1994, the company conducted an IPO and became public. In 2014, the company acquired BRE Properties for $ 4.3 billion. In the same year became part of the S & P 500.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

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