Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Ebay Inc (EBAY)

Ebay Inc

Ebay Inc


Yüksek: 42.5

Düşük: 0

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Seller Buyer

eBay Inc. is an American company providing services in the areas of online auctions and online stores. It was founded in the form of an online auction AuctionWeb in 1995. In 1997, the company was renamed eBay, a year later the company becomes public and issues shares on NASDAQ An online auction is gaining immense popularity and buying smaller online auctions along the way, so eBay acquired the German Alando auction in 1999 for $ 43 million, which later became eBay Germany, and a year later Half.com was renamed into the company’s assets. eBay Marketplace IBazar, Mercado Libre and Lokau were bought in Latin America, and auctions were bought in Europe, China and India, and a deal was made to acquire the most popular PayPal payment system for $ 1.5 billion in 2002. The total capitalization of eBay exceeds $ 70 billion.

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