Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Dish Network Corp (DISH)

Dish Network Corp

Dish Network Corp


Yüksek: 26.74

Düşük: 0

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Dish Network is one of the largest providers of satellite television and the Internet not only in the United States, but also throughout the North American continent. It appeared in 1980 as a subsidiary of EchoStar Corporation, but gained fame only in 1996, when EchoStar began to use the Dish brand for delivery of satellite television to the general consumer. In 2008, Dish became an independent company. In 2011, Dish spent more than $ 3 billion to acquire companies close to bankruptcy or already reached it. The company focused on satellites Other than that, services for wireless Internet and mobile video appeared, and Dish now has a total capitalization of $ 7 billion, and in 2012 Dish Network announced a broadband satellite service called DishNET.

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