Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Dominion Resources (D)

Dominion Resources

Dominion Resources


Yüksek: 79.85

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Dominion Energy is an American energy company, one of the largest suppliers of electricity and natural gas in the United States. The company owns various types of power plants through a subsidiary of Dominion Generation. It serves more than 5 million people, is part of the Fortune 500. 18% of total electricity production in Dominion Generation accounts for coal, 22% for nuclear energy, 32% for natural gas, 9% for oil, 12% for hydro and other renewable energy sources, and 7% for other sources, and is part of the Fortune 500.

Dominion appeared after the reorganization of the electricity giant VEPCO in 1983. Three years later, in 1986, the company buys the Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO). During the 1980s and 1990s, Dominion took over many energy companies; in 2000, the Consolidated Natural Gas and Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas Company were acquired. In 2006, Questar was acquired. In 2019, Dominion acquired SCANA Corporation for $ 7.9 billion.

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