Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Chevron Corp (CVX)

Chevron Corp

Chevron Corp


Yüksek: 92.55

Düşük: 0

Piyasa durumu

İşlem hacmine göre alınan ve satılan lot sayısının oranı

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Seller Buyer

Chevron Corporation — one of the biggest energetic corporations in the world which also deals with mining and oil/gas extraction. In was founded in 1879 in California by John Rockefeller under the name “Standard Oil”, in 1911 the name was changed to the current one. After the corporation took Unocal Corporation over in 2010, it became the biggest geothermic energy company in the world. It is not only engaged in the extraction of nickel, molybdenum, gold, silver and uranium ores, but also in the development of alternative energy sources.

Nowadays, it is among the biggest oil companies in the world.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

Saat Ülke Dönem Etkinlik Algı Tahmin Önceki
17 Şubat 2025
Gün USD calender forex Banka Tatili

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