Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Citrix Systems (CTXS)

Citrix Systems

Citrix Systems


Yüksek: 139.89

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Citrix Systems is an American company developing visualization software solutions, building computer networks and organizing cloud computing. It was founded in 1989 with a start-up capital of $ 3 million. The company's first product was Citrix Multiuser, an extension for the OS / 2 operating system. In 1991 the company was on the verge of closure in the year, but investments from Intel, Microsoft and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers allowed it to stay afloat and already earned $ 10 million in 1994. The company became public in 1995. In 1999, it became public. ode the company launched ICA for Motorola for use in digital cordless phones.The company is expanding its range of software, companies such as Sequoia Software Corp. and ExpertCity, the supplier of products for remote desktop, are acquired in the zero. In total, from 2005 to 2012, the company acquired more than a dozen companies that allowed them to enter new markets.In August 2010, Citrix announced a partnership with Google, the result was the company's products for devices running Chrome OS.

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