Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Conocophillips (COP)




Yüksek: 43.6

Düşük: 0

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ConocoPhillips is an American oil company, one of the market leaders. It is the third largest US company by capitalization, reliable oil and gas reserves, and production. It ranks second in the United States for the distillation of crude oil, produces chemicals and plastics, and also earns from the sale of patented technologies for the deep processing of oil. The history of the company began in 1875, with the founding of the Continental Oil and Transportation Company, which merged with the Marland Oil Company in 1929 at the Continental Oil Company (Conoco). In 2002, the company merged with Phillips Petroleum at ConocoPhillips. The company's shares are traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol COP. ConocoPhillips has a capitalization of more than $ 100 billion. In 2011, the company began dividing its business into two separate divisions. ConocoPhillips reserves the direction of exploration and production of oil and natural gas, Phillips 66 is engaged in the processing and sale.

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