Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG)

Chipotle Mexican Grill

Chipotle Mexican Grill


Yüksek: 998.58

Düşük: 0

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Chipotle Mexican Grill is an international fast food restaurant chain based on Mexican cuisine. It was founded in Colorado in 1993. From 1998 to 2006, McDonald's Corporation was the main investor in the chain. This helped Chipotle grow rapidly and become public in 2006. The company’s shares are traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol CMG. In 2008, the company began opening restaurants outside the United States: Canada, Germany, Great Britain, France. A chain of Asian restaurants ShopHouse Southeast Asian Grill was opened in 2011. In 2013, the company opened a separate network p pizzeria restaurants, for which it merged with Pizzeria Locale, with a total capitalization of $ 1.2 billion.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

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