Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Charter Communications (CHTR)

Charter Communications

Charter Communications


Yüksek: 517.79

Düşük: 0

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Charter Communications is an American telecommunications company, one of the three largest pay-TV operators and the fifth largest telephone operator by the number of subscriber lines in the USA. It is a component of the S & P 100 and S & P 500. The company's shares are traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol CHTR.

It was founded in 1993 by the leaders of the Cencom cable network, in 1995 acquired Cable South, in 1998 - Marcus Cable for $ 2.8 billion. In 99, the company became public. The number of company customers at that time exceeds 3.9 million. The company is actively acquiring regional cable networks, expanding its audience. In 2000, Charter Communications acquired part of the territory of the cable market of one of its main competitors, AT & T. Despite success, in 2009 the company announced its impending bankruptcy, which was hardly avoided due to financial restructuring. In 2016, it merged with Time Warner Cable, the deal amounted to 78.7 billion dollars.

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