Bugünkü hisse fiyatı CBS Corp (CBS)

CBS Corp

CBS Corp


Yüksek: 49.74

Düşük: 0

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CBS Corporation is a global American corporation, a producer and supplier of media content, including: for cable television, radio, publishing, film production and advertising. The total value of CBS Corporation exceeds $ 30 billion. It was founded in 1927 as a broadcasting network. In 2005, renamed Viacom.In 2005, it was reorganized and divided into two independent companies: Viacom - manages such brands as MTV, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, VH1, as well as the Paramount Pictures film studio, and CBS Corporation - manages its own radio network and television izionnoy network CBS, numbering more than 240 of its own and affiliated television stations. Also, in the management of CBS is a record label, CBS Records, numerous Internet resources Publishing Simon & Schuster and independent streaming channel Showtime.

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