Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Ball Corp (BLL)

Ball Corp

Ball Corp


Yüksek: 64.35

Düşük: 0

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Ball Corporation - an American manufacturer of plastic and metal packaging, a major contractor for NASA, the Air Force and the US Navy. One of the largest manufacturers of recycled materials. Founded in 1880 as a manufacturer of glass and tin cans and by 1933 became the main American manufacturer of cans for home canning In the 1950s, the Ball company entered the aerospace industry and began manufacturing aerospace equipment.In 1956, a research company was established to produce goods and services for the aerospace sector, hereinafter transformed into Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. Ball became a public company in 1973. Ball began producing PET plastic containers in 1994 and completely stopped producing glass jars in 96. In 2006, the company bought US Can, Inc. - the largest manufacturer of aerosol cans in the United States; and in 2010, Aerocan SAS, the manufacturer of aluminum bottles.

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