Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Blackrock (BLK)




Yüksek: 459.98999

Düşük: 0

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Seller Buyer

BlackRock is an international investment company, the largest in the world in terms of managed assets (more than $ 6.7 trillion). It was founded in 1988 and was originally part of the Blackstone Group investment group. In 1992, the company took on the name BlackRock. Already by 1994 the amount of managed assets reached $ 53 billion in 1998. The company became independent and public in 1999. It grew rapidly, absorbing other companies. BlackRock managed assets reached $ 342 billion by 2004. In 2009 Barclays Global acquired Investors for 1 $ 3.5 billion, and in 2016 BlackRock became the largest investor in the SPDR Gold Trust.

Currently, the company has over 10 million individual customers and 5,000 institutional one's

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

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