Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Bank of America Corp (BAC)

Bank of America Corp

Bank of America Corp


Yüksek: 22.93

Düşük: 0

Piyasa durumu

İşlem hacmine göre alınan ve satılan lot sayısının oranı

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Bank of America Corp. is an American financial conglomerate. In terms of assets on its balance sheet, it is one of the three largest private companies in the world. It provides a wide range of financial services to both private and corporate clients. The main market of the company is the USA, but It also operates in different countries around the world.It was created under the name Bank of Italy in 1905. Bank of Italy merged with Bank of America in 1929. In 1953, the company, being the largest bank in the USA, was divided into Bank of America and Transamerica Corporation. In 1958, the company began production They got Bank Americard credit cards, which would later become known as Visa. The Bank of America faced a severe crisis and bankruptcy in 1998. There was a merger with NationsBank and the new company changed its name to Bank of America, after which successful expansion in the banking sector resumed.

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