Bugünkü hisse fiyatı American Express Company (AXP)

American Express Company

American Express Company


Yüksek: 88.41

Düşük: 0

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American Express Company — a financial institution that issues debit/credit cards and traveler´s checks. Founded by the end of 19th century after two delivery companies united (Wells Fargo & Company и Merchants Union), American Express found itself a pioneer in tourism industry by starting issuing traveler´s checks. After WWI, the company started to grow rapidly opening new offices all over the world and concentrating on financial services for tourists.

The overwhelming success of the company was registered in 1966, when they started to issue corporate credit cards (analogs are still in use by millions of people).

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

Saat Ülke Dönem Etkinlik Algı Tahmin Önceki
25 Aralık 2024
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