Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

Advanced Micro Devices

Advanced Micro Devices


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Advanced Micro Devices Inc (AMD) is an American manufacturer of integrated circuit electronics, the largest supplier of graphics processors and computer equipment. The company was founded on May 1, 1969 as a manufacturer of integrated circuits with a starting capital of $ 100 thousand. In 1975, AMD released its first microchip, so emphasis was placed on cooperation with Intel.In 1983, the company introduced INT.STD.1000 - a self-developed quality standard that is still a priority in terms of quality requirements for electronic computers Onents. In 1984, AMD was added to the list of “100 best US companies.” In 1987, the company began working with Sony, which led to the termination of work with Intel in 1991. During the first half of the 90s, AMD constantly sued Intel AMD Athlon came out in 1990, which allowed AMD to take the lead in the race with competitors.In 2003, AMD signed a cooperation agreement with IBM, and in 2005 became a technology partner of NASCAR and Hewlett-Packard (HP). In 2006, AMD was absorbed by ATI Technologies, the transaction price was $ 5.4 billion. In 2007, the release of AMD's own graphics chips was launched.

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