Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Alaska Air Group (ALK)

Alaska Air Group

Alaska Air Group


Yüksek: 45.74

Düşük: 0

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Alaska Air Group Inc. is an American aviation holding company that owns two airlines: Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air. Founded in 1932 under the name McGee Airways, renamed Alaska Star Airlines in 1942 and Alaska Airlines in 1944. The company opens its own international network of charter flights using unclaimed military aircraft, converting them into civilian aircraft.In the 60s, the company buys Cordova, Southeast Alaska, Ellis airlines, thus becoming a major international airline.In 1985, Alaska Airlines buys the regional airline Horizon Air, turning into one of Alaska Air Group Inc. became the first company to start selling tickets over the Internet, also known for using advanced technology in the navigation of aircraft.

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