Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Accenture Plc (ACN)

Accenture Plc

Accenture Plc


Yüksek: 264.48

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Accenture plc is the largest consulting company in the world, providing consulting services in the areas of strategic planning, customer relationship management, optimization and organization of outsourcing of business processes, logistics process management, personnel management and implementation of information technology. Has skills in 18 industries economy and staff exceeding 200 thousand employees.

It was founded in 1913 under the name Arthur Anderson & Company. In 1942, the Andersen Consulting consulting division was opened, which by 1989 had become more profitable than the main company. In 1990, the functions of Andersen Consulting and Arthur Anderson were strictly separated, and in 1998 became a fully independent company.

In 2001, Andersen Consulting was renamed Accenture.

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